Are there any over the counter remedies for baby acne

« ...Oil glands are found deep in the skin and are connected to the hair follicles. These oil glands are various sizes and the ones that are larger are associated with the much hated visible pores. The oil glands will make oil when stimulated by hormones, mainly male. Both men and women have male hormones although women have a significantly lesser amount....
...One of the most effective treatments is laser resurfacing. It has been in use since years for removing or minimizing the acne scars. All laser used in this treatment has the high-energy ray of light, which targets particular structures inside the skin. It resurfaces the skin, which directly means that it demolishes the outer layer of the affected skin and makes it smoother than ever before. Ablative techniques undoubtedly are effective ones but they are not very much popular because the recovery time that is needed is very long. Talk to doctor in detail before you go for any laser treatment for any type of skin diseases....»

«...So how does one actually go about "DISRUPTING" this insidious cycle of acne?... By using creams, lotions, ointments, masks? ... Well, that's one way. I call that surface-to-surface contact. For a percentage of acne sufferers, it'll work. It does interrupt -- not disrupt -- the acne cycle somewhat, but only at the surface. For many acne sufferers however, it does little good....»
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tags: how can i get rid of my acne, acne scar removal gluten free, yeast free treatment, best lasers for acne scar removal